SPICEEL Monk Fruit Sweetener with Erythritol (3 Ib)
SPICEEL Monk Fruit Sweetener with Erythritol (3 Ib)
100% Natural: Monk fruit extract and erythritol both come from natural plant sources, it's a premium sugar replacement without any artificial additives or chemical components.
Use Like Sugar: The taste of monk fruit sweetener mixed with erythritol is similar to that of sugar, monkfruit sweetener can be directly substituted for sugar in cooking and baking.
Easy to Use: Monkfruit sweetener and sugar alternatives can easily dissolve in coffee and tea, adding monk fruit sweetener pure to your beverages without adding extra calories.
Healthy Alternative: Monk fruit sweetener is a premium sugar substitute, suitable for diabetics and those trying to reduce their sugar intake.
Zero Calorie: Compared to traditional sugar, the calories in monk fruit sweetener mixed with erythritol are zero, zero net carbs, zero calories, and zero glycemic, which helps to maintain a healthy weight.